Friday, June 28, 2013

Making Me Think

Thursday, June 27, 2013



Flowers. Clean floors. Black, hot coffee.
These are the little things which lend beauty and help bind home-bound souls.  
{ v i a }

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Confessions of a First Born

 I am a girl driven for perfection and filled with a desire to please.

Yes, Dr. Leman, I am a first born.

This wonderful, ahem, bothersome drive has helped define me. Instead of being remembered as fun, lively, and entertaining (like my beloved younger sister)I am known as being responsible, level headed, and helpful. If you were to ask me I dislike being weak, fear being useless, and abhor failure.
I am so glad God created second-borns and comedians--the world would be a hard place to live in if it consisted of people just like me. Shudder.  

Alas, more often than not, I become my own worst critic. I’m inclined to forget that Jesus’ death and resurrection paid for my sins and wiped them away—completely. I tend to apologize five times too many after making a mistake. I often fret over decisions not because I am a worrier but because I want to be able to check off my checklist completely and in the most charming way possible.

So, when I encounter dear-hearts who are okay with who I am (fears and quirks and all) and who demonstrate unconditional love I tend to step back in surprise. When loving souls accept me at my most vulnerable state and say, “It’s okay, I still love you,” I draw a sharp breath.

You’re okay with accepting someone less than perfect?

You don’t mind that I don’t ~ always ~ have it together?

You’ll have enough patience to help me learn to breathe in this crazy world of ours?

I am so blessed to have a Heavenly Father and Great High Priest. I am so blessed to have a family who encourages and equips me. I am so blessed to have a man who loves patiently.

Your incredibly imperfect perfectionist,


Monday, June 24, 2013

A Delightful Discovery

“And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.”

1 John 1:4



A calm delight

Gladness x Exceedingly


To make replete

(aka to cram, to level up a hollow space, or to furnish)






Beloved, the Heavenly Father wishes to give you exceeding gladness, calm delight, in such a way that it seems to fill all hollowness and to end any longing.

Oh, this doesn’t mean you will not have hard times because you will. But isn’t it enough to know that the Word of God desires to perfect your joy? To furnish your empty heart with delight?

Dear one, you are loved. Just open to God's Word and see how much. 

Thoughtful Thinking

"When I have learnt to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now. In so far as I learn to love my earthly dearest at the expense of God and instead of God, I shall be moving towards the state in which I shall not love my earthly dearest at all. When first things are put first, second things are not suppressed but increased."  -- C.S. Lewis

Thank God that loving Him with my whole heart ensures that I will love others better. That seeking His righteousness first will enable me to live for others freely. Isn't our Heavenly Father good?

© Via Pure Blyss

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Quiet Moment


Dear friends,
I’ve gotten lost in a world full of garden gates, soft sheets, and beautiful flowers--lovely things to a tired mind.
 If you find yourself in need of refreshment or if your soul yearns to see some loveliness I’d be happy to take you to The Murmuring Cottage’s door and afterwards travel on over to Moi et le Temp.

He Knows You

I praise God for being the God Who seeks every heart in whatever season life finds them. God sought me when I was a young, wee girl full of imagination and childish innocence. He sought me when I was a rebellious teenager confused about love and real happiness. He even sought me during the recent days of singlehood while I attended to my day-to-day business and quiet life. No matter how uneducated, how untalented, or how alone a person may be the God of the universe seeks to know each soul and give them the grace to accomplish great things.

So, dearie, cheer up. The King of kings knows you. He knows your imperfections, your insecurities, and yet He pursues each moment.
Whoever you are, whatever season life finds you in, let us be full of good works and the hope of finishing the race set before us.

Love to you!



Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dear World


Dear world,

Last night, as I lay in that land between sleep and wakefulness, a deep, sincere wave of knowledge splashed over me. I am loved. Of course, you say. Of course, says God. Of course, says my family.

No, you don’t get it.

Someone besides my family and my closest friends and my awesome God loves me. Someone actually sees me for who I am. He accepts me when all I seem to be is tumult of emotion. He finds me special because I’m quirky--not despite of but because. He finds the strange gulping sound I make when drinking adorable and thinks funny, little me beautiful.

Unbelievable, I say. Incredulous. Unnatural.

Believe it, says God.

I always will, says Dalton.

And I sleep with the amazing knowledge that God is equipping me to live in ways I never dreamed possible. I’m being prepared to love in ways which will impact eternity.
With love,
P.S. Like that picture? Me too...find it here!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Broken Dreams and Beautiful Changes

All my life God has been busy shaking up my plans.
At fifteen I was determined to be a world-renowned television journalist. I would be known as brilliant, politically savvy, and never tied down to such mundane things like a husband and babies. I praise God for turning my mixed up priorities and desires around.

When I was twenty-one I prepared to attend a four year university three hours from home; I was going to join the choir, be known for my hard work, and make a difference. After discovering that I would not be able to wear a headcovering, plans changed. I later found out that I was accepted to attend a three month mission training school and, with some trepidation, packed my bags for Ghana, Africa. Those three months were life altering and an amazing gift from God.

By twenty-three I was intending to graduate the next year with a degree in elementary education. Afterwards I was to journey somewhere far off—maybe Mongolia, Ghana, or Detroit, Michigan—and utilize my skills while ministering in the name of Jesus. However, my plans where turned upside down when my counselor and I discovered a missing math class. It seems one cannot progress without the important stuff (like algebra). Hah! So with a broken heart I laid aside my plans . . . two more years. Two more years.

By this time I felt like I was going nowhere. Several of my friends were getting married, graduating, or going off to the mission field . . . sometimes all at once. “Lord, I’ve tried to be faithful here at home. I’ve tried to be useful but it seems like I’m getting nowhere.” I know God just smiled down on me; His will was perfect, His shaking up of my plans where necessary. During this hard time I:

began to find joy and contentment in serving in my local church.

 was able to be at home during a time when I was needed.

 began to make quality friendships with my fellow students on campus.

watched God meet all my financial needs through a long, you-can’t-drive-to-school-on-fumes winter.

 became (I still had my moments J) at peace with my single state.

 was finally at rest with where God had planted me.

All in all, last winter was a season of fear, destroyed plans, and discouragement. It was also a season of watching the Lord God work in and through my wee life. So amidst my (I hate to say it) sighs and worried frowns there were times of pure trusting in God and rejoicing in His unknown will.  

And then one early spring day my dad came home and mentioned this guy from church. It seemed his mom, who cuts my dad’s hair, thought her son and I might be able to hit it off or at least become friends. I laughed. This young man was normal in that my conservative dress and ways were sure to make him roll his eyes and turn the other direction. (Yes, I had a serious case of pride and prejudice going on!) Dad informed me of all the honorable traits he knew about and I listened out of curiosity. He sounded great: a Christian man who stood apart from the world, hardworking, and took care of his family. But he was just that; a nice brother in Christ who would never be interested in me.

Then one Sunday his dear mom pulled me to the front where I could meet her son. It was a quiet, short conversation in which I noticed that he was great with kids and had lovely blue eyes. I was duly impressed with the comical calmness he showed after his niece spit up all over his arm. (Remember my post on babies? J) But that was it. No sparks. No confirmation in my heart. Only a quiet Sunday conversation.

Then the phone rang on Monday.

It was then that I realized this young man was not only a hardworking, Christian man who took care of his family and did well with children. This was a young man of sincerity and earnest heart. We talked briefly when he asked me out on a date. A date. My goodness! Frannie doesn’t go out. Is he sure that he called the right girl? I mean, I wear dresses and headcoverings and watch Tangled far too often. I’m headed to the mission field and such things like romance, well, I never thought it would come my way.

Needless to say I eventually went on that date. And then another. And then another. We’ve spent a lot of time in my family’s living room awkwardly laughing over my granma’s blatant approval and my granpa’s story about the time he was caught between the two ends of an inflatable raft without a paddle. We’ve attended a wedding where every fellow guest seemed to radiate the inquiry “Oh, Frannie brought a man along; are you . . . courting?” J We’ve had our moments of miscommunication like the day when he said “I’d like to be more than friends” and I heard him say, “I just want to be friends.” (Trust me, that is one astonishing miscommunication there . . . so glad we got that straightened out!) And we’ve had our moments of vulnerability like the time I shared my past with him totally expecting him to walk away and he didn’t.

I am learning so much during this season of life. I’m learning how to trust—my trustworthy God and this wonderful man. I’m learning what I believe and why. I’m learning how to express my feelings. And I am learning that sometimes God changes our plans only to replace our broken dreams with something far more beautiful and good. I’m seeing that my dreams can be completed in ways far greater by means far more wonderful than I ever imagined.

This was a really l o n g post but so many of you expressed interest in my story I couldn’t help but share it. And guess what, dear readers? This is only the beginning.

With lots of love to you!



Thursday, June 6, 2013

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