Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What's a Girl to Do? Part II

            Alas! It does not take one long before he or she discovers a massive, destructive black hole within their heart. It’s like there’s missing a piece and so, naturally, we begin to fill it. Personally, I’ve tried to jam this hole with simple, harmless pleasures like food, friendships, boys, and entertainment; however, after all my jamming and cramming, I discovered that I was being poisoned. Discontentment, desperation, and disappointment led to depression and a frantic, harmful searching.

            I’ve learned a few things since then. I’ve found the secret puzzle piece which had been missing for all those years; sweet friends, it’s Jesus. He is able to fill every crevice, every hole within my heart and best of all, He wants to. No matter how black and filthy it is—I know, because He filled mine.

            Sadly, however, I’ve failed many a time; somehow it is so easy to take my eyes off my Lord and place them upon wonderful but unsatisfying things. And then I begin the cycle once again: Discontentment, desperation, and disappointment leading to a harmful depression and vain search.

            I think we ladies tend to do that with relationships. Especially we Christian ladies; we’ve made it a science—practicing godly character traits (especially when around other spiritual giants!) while keeping one doe-like eye on the local handsome bachelor; he had better catch wind of our visiting the poor and lovingly serving in the nursery. (C’mon! let’s be honest!) Sadly, we waste our time, our emotions, and our love on a boy who does not belong to us. We stop looking to Christ for our joy and fulfillment. I know because I do the same thing.

            So, I ask the question again: What’s a girl to do?

            Let’s get a vision. According to God’s word, “Where there is no vision, the people perish:” (Proverbs 29:18a) The word perish does not only mean to die; it also means to cast off restraint, live like savages, fall away, to grow lax. Oi. How true this is in my life! When I do not have a vision of what God wants, I do cast of restraint, I do fall away from holiness, I do grow lax. I give into temptations I would have never considered if I would have had a vision.  The end result: Shame.

            Oh sisters! Let us gain a vision of holiness, of purity! Let us be willing to ask God to put a vision, a dream, an aspiration into our hearts and souls! His dreams. His aspirations. Let us not be afraid to ask God to open the eyes of our heart, to enlarge our visions.

            Sweet one, I promise, when we allow God to open our eyes and to give us good, lovely dreams we will be able to walk in this world filled with purpose and certainty. We will be able to stop wasting emotions and will be able to live in practical, beautiful purity.  Just like Abraham, once we catch God’s vision, we will begin to live a life of obedience. We will begin to walk in the way of God.

            Lord willing, I hope to spend the next few posts on these visions. I’d love it if you would share any dream God has given you or a vision you believe He would want us daughters of the King to have.

            “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20, 21

            Beginning to dream dreams of good things,


*This post was majorly influenced by an excellent set of messages by Brother Denny Kenaston. Please visit this link to catch some wonderful wisdom for yourself.
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