Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Week of Washing and Lessons

Greetings my dear friends and sisters in Christ!

These past weeks have been very difficult for me. Not only have I found my walk with Jesus struggling (on my own account), but I have faced loneliness, bitterness, pain, and anger seemingly all at once. Who knew (at least I didn't) that I could have such strong feelings? I am blessed because I have had relatively few hurts in my life, but hurt still hurts. And when I am not in close contact with my Heavenly Father, these trials are even more difficult to face and conquer. I only write this to deeply encourage you to always walk in close contact with Jesus. He alone can bear our most burdensome and sometimes silly fears and struggles. I'm not sure of all I am supposed to learn through these past experiences except that God is good, He is in control, and He offers forgiveness. . .as should I. Please pray for me as I go through this time, that I may come out closer  to my Jesus and a shining example of what His child ought to be!
I think I will apply Romans 12 to my heart and life. It is such an encouraging and challenging chapter!

On a different, but exciting note, I have joined up with Emily Elizabeth from My Life Belongs to Him , purposing to have a productive summer. This is such a blessing to me as I try to stay accountable and use my summer for the glory of God. I'm a little behind for week two, but I tried to be productive. First, I washed the windows! It is such a blessing to have clean windows and I am so thankful my Momma taught me. :o) A second thing is that I started a new jumper (please disregard the fact that it has remained untouched for several days. . .).  So with that said, I had better get started on this week's tasks. I hope to make a few phone calls today and finish a few letters. Also, we are leaving for Wyoming tomorrow in order to visit/pick up my dear sister Allie. She has been away working at a dude ranch and so I would like to clean up her bedroom, tidy my own, and pack my bag. Very exciting!

I hope all is well with you all.
May the LORD bless you dearly with His grace and presence,
With love,

P.S. This lovely painting by Daniel Knight was taken from the following link:

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Day for Washing Windows

Greetings! Today is a hot and lovely day. Getting off early from work, I have much to do at home. As you may have guessed washing windows is on the top of the list! So to help encourage and promote my task, I'm going out with a few godly cds and an optimistic attitude! :)
Have you ever heard of Cheri Keaggy? She is a wonderful Christian singer and one my favorite songs is titled "Heavenly Father." It's words are so true to my life and I would encourage you to read them and if you would like listen to it here!

"Heavenly Father" by Cheri Keaggy

Father, Heavenly Father
Have I told You I love You today
Have I told You I need You
Father, Heavenly Father
If I have not then I'm telling You now

I love You
I need You
I know I would be lost without Your love
Father, You are my God
You are my God
Heavenly Father, be God again today

I will remember You
As You remembered me
And I will not forget the day I let You in
Father, You are my God
You are my God
Heavenly Father, be God again today

I hope every one is having a lovely day and making it one too! Let us follow Christ with vigor and love!
God bless you!

P.S. This lovely picture is from Martha Stewart's Home and Garden page.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer with a Purpose- Week One!

Oh dear! My third post for the day. . .I guess this is what happens when one procrastinates. :)
However, I am very excited about this post. :)

Emily Elizabeth from My Life Belongs to Him has set up a challenge titled "Summer with a Purpose." She wrote on how summer time will often bring out the idle, bored, or lazy side in her life and I must say that that happens to me too! Lately, after getting home from work, I have been getting into the bad habit of zonking out onto the couch or I will sit and "rest" for the rest of my day. In short, I struggle with being idle and lazy during the summer; my to-do list lays unchecked and my days are not used to their fullest.  I greatly desire to honor my Lord by obeying His word which says, "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom" Psalms 90:12 and "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil" Ephesians 6:15,16. I know that properly managing my time is an essential and good skill I need to learn whether I am blessed to marry or not. So, if you cannot tell, I am whole-heartedly joining in with this challenge. Every Friday I will link up to Emily Elizabeth's blog telling one productive task I accomplished that week. For this first week I am to set some goals in the following catergories. Here I go! 

  Edifying Videos...

As a family we do watch tv and movies. It is my goal to only watch movies which lift up the standards of the Lord in what I (Though none go with me, still I will follow . . .) watch. (What I mean by that little line is that I cannot change the standards of anyone, I can only change myself).

This summer I hope to learn and practice the skill of canning, make granola, and try a few new recipies. Lately, I have been interested in preparing nutricious foods; I hope to pursue that in my cooking/baking this year.

Oh, so many books to read so little time! I hope to make a booklist for this summer and follow it! My goal for this month is to read Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Malley and The Power of Crying Out by Bill Gothard along with reading my Bible.

Using Emily Elizabeth's exact words, "(I tend to lean toward the side of going to bed late and sleeping in late. That makes for a very unproductive day, and makes me feel very sluggish. We plan to exercise and eat right... with little sleep and not enough healthy foods, we're not going to want to do anything!)"

This is exactly me! It is my goal to go to bed early, so that I may rise early (and joyfully!). I especially need my sleep while working and find it very difficult to efficiently and clearly function when I haven't gotten a decent amount of sleep. During this summer I also desire to eat healthy. I so desire to be a godly example in every area (even in my weight) of my life and I know eating habits are one of them! And finally, I hope to exercise by walking at least three times a week! "She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms" Proverbs 31:17.

Scripture Memorization...
I greatly desire to be the person God wants me to be and memorizing His Word will help me in every way! At this monet I am trying to memorize a chapter in Psalms and also the Book of James. I hope to apply myself to this subjest greatly this summer!

It is my goal this summer to apply myself to our cleaning schedule and stick to it! A clean home can help it be a happy home and part of being a keeper of the home is presenting a tidy and clean home to your husband. Since I am not married I am still in training and what better opportunity to learn the skills of cleaning and homemaking!

Biblical Womanhood...
This summer I desire to learn and apply godly virtues to my life, virtues which make women godly. Part of this is looking into God's Word and seeing what He says a godly woman is and does.

This summer I will apply myself to bettering my violin playing. After ending my lessons two or so years ago, I love to play. Like Emily Elizabeth said, I hope to be able to teach my children one day and so I better prepare myself! This summer I will apply myself to mastering (as much as I can) my Suzuki songs while working through the new fiddle book I bought!

There are a few projects I need to do this summer. First on my list is to sew some jumpers; at this moment I have two fabrics I need to use.
Secondly, I need to repair a few of my dresses. I have not done this before, but this summer I will apply myself to fixing clothing.
Being blessed with stamps and card making equipment I hope to make several cards this summer.
And finally, I one emroidery project that has been neglected for a few years. This summer I hope to finish it.

Well, that's my summer! If you are one who struggles with being productive during summer, I'd encourage you to join (especially if you need a little accountability like myself). The button on my sidebar will take you to Emily Elizabeth's blog. Have a wonderful day sisters!

Chickens and a Lovely Award

 Hello dear sisters! A few days ago it was a beautiful day, in weather and activity. You may think my calling this day beautiful very strange when I tell you what  I did. . .processed chickens! My dear friends, the Protivas, have a poultry farm and a way to see them was by joining in on a butcher day! My assigned job was to double check for any stray feathers (I know you all desire a more colorful job-description, but I'll leave it to your capable imaginations :o).  Needless to say, it was a fun, hard-working, and enjoyable day! Thank you dear Protivas for allowing me to join in on the work and fellowship! 

On a more lovely note, I was kindly given an award. Isn't it sweet? Sarah from Country Musings was so kind to give it to me! Thank you Sarah for being so thoughtful and if any of my readers are looking for an uplifting blog, please visit Sarah's! Normally, I award awards to all of my followers since I use to have only eight known readers. However, I have been blessed with a few more (thank you all!). Now I've been faced with the difficult choice of choosing. . .I'm not good at choosing, especially when I have so many lovely things to choose from!

I would like to award:

Charis from Winsome Composition
Kendra from Ismikendra
Jenna from Feminine Farmgirl
Hannah Grace at Hannah Grace's Blog
Brittany from Richly Blessed (Happy late Birthday!) :)
Addie from Girlish Musings
Hannah at Hannah of Marilla Heights

May the Lord bless your day sisters!
Your sister in Christ,

My Father- Happy Fathers Day Daddy Dearest!

Happy Fathers Day Papi!

Since I was a little girl, you have always been in my heart and on my mind. Your caring and fun ways made for a light and cheerful home. The moments of watching "Star Treck" and eating uncooked macaroni noodles or snuggling in with you, Allie, and Jeremiah while watching "Krat's Creatures" are permantently good ones. Thank you for being the Daddy who changed diapers, who helped Momma with us children and the home, and who was kind and gentle.
Thank you also for letting Momma homeschool, even though it was a challenge!

Thank you for being a loving husband--for having many of the virtues I desire in my future mate!

Thank you Dad for helping me grow from a little girl into a woman (can I call myself that yet?). Thank you for giving my young mind a vision--one of godliness, success, character, and following after my dreams (which means the Lord's). 

Thank you for working with each of us kid's different personalities, for loving each of us in our own way. Thank you for being proud of us and helping us with our schoolwork. Thank you for teaching us our Roman Numerals. :)

Thank you for having a wonderful sense of humor and for being the man God created you to be.

Thank you for being a good and diligent worker all your life. You have met all of our needs and beyond; we are able to joyfully rest knowing that you are providing for us. Thank you for teaching me responsibility!
(Daddy is the handsome, young man kneeling and is the fourth man from the right :).  

Thank you for leading me through the paths of life; for shining a light of knowledge and kindness when my way seems too rough and dark.

I praise the Lord for you Papi!
My heavenly Father was so wise in giving me to you and Momma. God bless you Daddy!

What Makes a Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
-Author Unknown.

I love you Daddy! God bless you!

P.S.- The above pictures were taken following links (in order of appearance):

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wisdom from Mr. Knightly

A quote I enjoy from the movie Emma by Mr. Knightly. I find it very true!

"Men of sense, whatever you may say, do not want silly wives!"

I just asked my brother Jeremiah, a man of 15, if he agreed with this quote, if it is true that men do not want silly or foolish wives. And he promptly answered yes! Let us seek to be shame-faced and sober, to be jewels for Christ in whatever He calls us!

Have a lovely week! 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Long Week, A Good Week

Greetings friends! Today is a beautiful day in Missouri; a day full of sunshine, flowers and greenery, and a light breeze. I hope everyone is having a sunny day too, if not outside than in your heart. :)

Well, as the title suggests I had a very long week. I work at a Christian camp as a cook and spend my day preparing and serving breakfast and luch as well as preparing for dinner. You wouldn't think cooking could be hard, but it is! I really enjoy my job for the following reasons- I work with godly people, I am able to be a blessing to campers and fellow staff, and I am learning valuable lessons (both physical and spiritual) I can use later in life. I find peace and joy because I know this is where God wants me to work. Why? Because He found and brought me to it! We had been living in Missouri for a few months and had been visiting a church in town. I was hoping to apply as a waitress at a nearby resteraunt, but a dear lady suggested I apply at the camp. Well, I didn't; I procrastinated for a few weeks (feeling guilty the whole time). But praise the Lord I eventually ended up with an interview. And it went on from there! I know that my finding the camp was by God's grace and I am so thankful to Him!

Anyways, this week as been long and hard due to the humidity, the size of the group (about 45 expectant, hungry mouths), and the fact that this was our first, official camp of the season. I had to adjust from my easy winter work apron and quickly jump into my busy summer apron (figurativly speaking :). However, this was such a rewarding and beautiful week! God is so good in taking us when we cannot offer any more and, by His grace, making us into beautiful sacrifices reflecting Him. I was blessed by my sweet camper's thankfulness and kindess, the kitchen crew's willingness and diligence in their work, and by supportive family and staff. God was so good! One special thing the Lord taught me this week was not to fear man and not to worry about my reputation. 
"The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe." Prov 29:25
When you are facing a difficult task do you fear tainting your repuation and what other's will say? I do. For example, on Monday I was to make 1 1/2 batches of sausage gravy and two boxes of biscuits. I wish I could say I went about my task with trust and joy in my heart and a peaceful smile on my face. But I didn't. Instead, I ran about the kitchen like a mad woman, fretting and stressing.
"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6-8
My stressing and fretting were and are sin. Why am I stressing out--because I am afraid of what other's think of me. "Will they think I'm a good cook" and so on. This is sin and indeed, the fear of man does bring a snare. Phillipians 4:6-8 speaks of the wonderful and Fatherly love of God. He cares about every tiny detail in my life (Yes, He knows I don't want the hamstrips to burn and yes, He knows how badly I want the gravy to turn out). God heard my every sigh, praise, and grumble this past week and all the while He wanted me to know that He alone controls this universe and yes, that He alone is in control of my kitchen!
"The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world and the fulness thereof, thou hast founded them" Psalms 89:11
If only I could learn to trust in Him I know my day would be not be nearly as troubling or stressful.
"Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." Psmams 37:3-5

Beyond the fact that God is in control, he loves me and lovingly uses every success and failure in my kitchen for my good.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Rom 8:28.
Yes, every over-boiled hotdog and every not-enough-marshmellows crispy treat is ultimately for my good. And this week I have seen how He has used my failures and successes for my good.  Humility, which I find helpful when defined as "Recognizing that it is actually God and others who are responsible for the achievements in my life (James 4:6)," seriously lacks in my life. God sees this and He desires to work it into me and He will use the kitchen as His tool! He is so good! :)

I cannot name all of the blessings which came out of this difficult week. I began to see God for who He is--my loving, caring, and in control Father and I also made sweet friends with some campers who I am going to sorely miss. Yes, it was a long week, but it was a good week.

May the Lord bless you friends. He is a true and living God and I am so excited He wants to change us!
With love, 

P.S. The definition (which I love!) for humility is taken from Bill Gothard's list of character qualities. Please go check it out at this link.

Friday, June 11, 2010

And the winner is. . .

Hello dear sisters!

First, I want to thank you all and bless you for participating in my first giveaway. It was a lot of fun for me. Even my family enjoyed the preparation--Jeremiah went to town with me (I shopped, he slept in the car :), Momma cheered with me every time someone new signed up or began to follow, and Papi drew our winner's name!  So thank you! And without further delay our blessed winner is. . .

Laura from Sharing His Love!
Congratualtions Laura, I am so very excited and happy for you! I think at this time you are out of town, but when you hear the news, please email me your address. My email is and when I get your email, Lord willing your gift will be on its way to the post office!

I'm sorry not everyone can get something, but again thank you for signing up!
 Have a blessed day!

The Giveaway is Offically Closed

My first giveaway is now officially closed! I am so thankful for everyone of you who signed up. Later today,  (after I get a good night's rest) I will draw the winner and will let you all know! Have a blessed night!

May Gods's blessing be on you!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How Firm is Our Foundation and His Goodness Never Ceasing!

Hello dear sisters,
I hope this finds you all well. I had a very nice trip up to Alaska and praise the Lord for allowing me to go! I spent my pleasant week going yard saling, visiting with my dear, old church family at the Memorial Day picnic, had a good lunch with my violin teacher, a challenging and great lunch with my old pastor, and many special moments with my Mom, Jeremiah, and our good friends, the Rowlands. In short, it was wonderful! :)   

While I greatly enjoyed my visit, I was very excited to come home. Why, you may ask? My pastor encouraged (and challenged) me to go home and apply myself to becoming my Dad's best friend. You see, who better to teach me how to be a godly woman than my father? . . . a man who knows what character traits make a good person and wife. If I learn how to be a blessing, a joyfull servant, help-meet, and a listener now while serving my father, I can be a blessing, joyful servant, help-meet, and listener when and if I get married. And my husband (and everyone else I meet) will be greatly blessed. My pastor also encouraged me to ask dad what character traits I need to improve on. I have not done this much in the past, but surely, this could change my life. I know that this coming year is going to be life changing as I live away from home and start school. It is so important that I learn what and who I believe in and to gain godly character; I know that by listening and obeying my Papi, I will gain a godly foundation which will carry me.  I just want to encourage you, my fellow sisters in Christ, to seek to win your father's heart. God was very wise in giving us the parents that He did; He never makes a mistake and is very purposeful in all He does. Whether or not you have honorable parents, seek to honor and lift them up. In honoring un-honorable people we gain godly character and the Lord's blessing!

 "Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth." Ephesians 6:2, 3

Well, I guess I'll get off of my soap box. :) I just love how God will us authorities in our lives to change us into His likness! How good He is to us! Finally, a true and encouraging hymn, "How Firm a Foundation."

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled?

In every condition, in sickness, in health;
In poverty’s vale, or abounding in wealth;
At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea,
As thy days may demand, shall thy strength ever be.

Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid;
I’ll strengthen and help thee, and cause thee to stand
Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.

When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow;
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.

When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.

Even down to old age all My people shall prove
My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love;
And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn,
Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne.

The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose,
I will not, I will not desert to its foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.
-John Rippon

God bless you dear sisters with His peace and grace!

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