Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer To-Do's

After a week away from my beloved and our cozy, little home I am ~so~ thankful to be back in my recliner sipping water and munching on homemade goodies. Last week my family and I crowded into two cars and drove cross country twenty-one hours to Tucson, Arizona. Whew! What an adventure. :) We made the grand trek in order to celebrate my younger sister's wedding! Allie and Wade were soon engaged after Dalton and I and it was so special celebrating their union with them.

But now that I'm back home I've begun writing my to-do lists with fervor. After browsing through Angel's Summer Bucket List I've decided to scratch up my own wish list of summer activities.

Lately, I have been feeling lost; before marriage I was busy with two jobs (off and on), school full time, helping at home, and being a Sunday school teacher. Since our wedding day I've released many of those roles and have felt that because I wasn't "busy" I was being lazy or neglectful. Feeling this way has led to many ridiculous rendezvous; take yesterday for example--I spent two hours nervously chewing my finger nails to the bone because I had asked for an application at a crowded, small Thai restaurant which badly needed a cook. As soon as the scrawny, eager waiter requested for me to come back within two hours I knew I was making a mistake. I didn't want to fill my schedule for the sake of filling it; and for heaven's sake! I just quite a five year long job working as a cook and was rather enjoying not spending every moment chopping, dicing, and steaming my hair with boiling pasta water.

So I am going to calm down or as my dear husband says, "Wait. God will bring you something; just wait for it."

(Isn't he so smart?)

So, without further ado, here is my summer bucket list

Clean/wipe down the Sunroom
Start and Complete One Rag Garland
Develop and Hang Pictures Throughout the House
Make (and Take!) Cookies to Neighbors on both Sides of House
Complete and Send Out Thank-you Letters
Finish Application for College
Begin and Maintain Regular Bible Reading
Stick to Weekly/Monthly Cleaning Schedule
Visit a Zoo :)
Visit (two!) of Jeff City's Many Lakes
Take D out for Steak One of These Days :)
Mop Basement Floor
Create and Make "Emergency Basket"
Apply for Substitute Teacher Allowance
Finish Bringing Items from Mom and Dad's House ;)
And I do hope to blog about some of these endeavors; what do you have on your summer to-do list?
God bless you!!



  1. Your life has changed, Frannie! Don't rush into a job just because you feel you should. Your husband is right, God will show you the way to go....and it sounds like you have a pretty long list already!

  2. Frannie, I'm reading Andi Ashworth's book, Real Love for Real Life. I am finding it is helpful for keeping perspective and organizing your time and gifts for God's glory and service. May you find contentment in what He has given you right now.

  3. I know the exact feeling Frannie! When I was first married, I had so much "extra" time on my hands, I about drove myself and Justin insane trying to keep busy. I was used to working two jobs also, and helping out on my parents farm. I think after the first 3 months, I adapted into a little housekeeping routine, and soon I had more than enough to keep me busy. :D

    You are in a very special season of life right now. GOD is with you, and will show you HIS will for you in HIS time. I will be praying for you. :)

    And it looks like your bucket list will keep you busy. I hope you have fun with it! :D

    Have a wonderfully blessed day my friend!


Hey there, darling!

I'd love to hear your thoughts -- leave a comment below and I'll do my best to give you a reply. There is nothing sweeter then hearing from my readers!

Love, blessings and a steaming cup of coffee,

Frannie Anne

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