Thursday, November 14, 2013

Real Life Wednesday: #2

This could be it. This could be the song which reminds me of the man I love.

What song expresses you?

Besides finding adorable, tailor-made songs I’ve been busy writing a sociology paper, getting my hair “did” by Dalton’s kindhearted mom, creating an online portfolio and webquest, eating my mom’s delicious custard pie, falling into a huge pile of leaves raked by the handsome Mr. Duncan, adding up thousands and thousands of receipts and preparing for my sister’s homecoming.

I do have to throw in that I am a very blessed woman—even on the bad days my Lord continues to shower His mercy down upon my poor, silly soul. His love is the greatest blessing of all.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Real Life Wednesday: #1

This describes my life … far too often.

Monday, November 4, 2013

How To: Accept the Gift and the Giver

I know very little when it comes to dating/courting/marriage. In fact, dating sometimes feels like one big, long lesson on how to be a decent human being and love like Jesus loved.

You think I’m exaggerating? I’m the girl who learned (the hard way) that men do not enjoy being called names, appreciate home baked goods and love to have their jokes laughed at. In fact, men are kind of like us in that they love to be loved. :)

One lesson I have had to study is on men and their finances. A wise man will want to show that he can provide for you financially. A tender man will want to bless you by studying your desires and showing his affection with gifts. A generous man will want to meet both your desires, how you love pumpkin lattes and fallish scarves, and your needs, like restocking your toothbrush and deodorant supply. If you meet a man who is all three … take good care of that fellow … he must be related to Dalton somehow. ;)

Yes, I am blessed to have a wise, tender and generous man. And I have had to learn how to accept him and his attention especially when it comes financially. You see, I am what I like to call frugal. In reality I’m cheap and far too often greedy. Having had to pinch babysitting/seasonal-cooking funds has taught me to rethink buying that new anything. Sure, my two year-old white shirt might look like a coffee stained, yellow armpit, seventeen year-old boy’s workout shirt but at least I saved ten dollars for something better …

(Ew. Did I just admit that I have such a shirt?)

It has been difficult to accept Dalton’s gifts. I tend to pester him with statements like, “Did you know that this coffee shop is r e a l l y expensive?” or “Whoa, this is pretty pricey … are you sure you have enough money for this?” Though my intentions are good I create unneeded problems; I walk away from the store basking in how thrifty I am while the man beside me is struggling with unnecessary insecurities. “Does she think I don’t know how to spend money?” “Maybe she feels I cannot provide?” “Does she know that I can read prices as well as her?”

Dalton enjoys meeting my needs financially and blessing me. But when I insist on paying the tab he loses the enjoyment. Suddenly, that date wasn’t as great as when it started; the cute scarf he gave me isn’t as cute anymore since it reminds him of the fuss I threw about it.

Dear, sweet friends, learn to accept gifts from others. Learn to humble yourselves and give thanks rather than fight the love being given to you. Remember that you are not responsible for another’s checking account. And finally, don’t steal your loved-one’s joy.

I tried it and, frankly, it just is not worth it.

Your ever-learning friend,


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blogging 101 … After the Great Disappearance

We all do it; we push blogging in to the back corners of our mind hoping to survive the current tidal wave of busyness (i.e. holidays, incoming relatives, math tests or simply, life.) After a while we remember that “Oh yes, I do have this thing called a blog … I wonder if I still have any followers?” We march to the computer hoping to type a great piece of literature only to produce a small, ridiculous post resembling something you wrote back in 6th grade. So, whatever can one do? What should a blogger do after returning from his or her great disappearance?
First, don’t fall off the face of the earth. Literally and figuratively—neither are very good for keeping one’s blog current. (And I mean literally … has anyone seen Gravity? You don’t want to fall off the face earth. Ever.)

Second, don’t make all sorts of excuses for said disappearance. No one needs to know how busy school has been (check), how painful your math class is (check), how you’ve added an extra day to your work schedule (check), how you’ve had out-of-town guests (check), how you had the worst cold (check) and haven’t crawled your weary body into bed  till 12 a.m. every night (double check).

Instead, tell your readers the good things like how much you love fall weather or how good it was to see your college-going brother last weekend. They may enjoy hearing about your recent double date with Dalton (he is feeling much better—thank you for your prayers!), your parents and the Chiweenie, Chloe. Discuss the lessons your Abba Father has been teaching and how He gives so many blessings every day. Tell your Thanksgiving plans, how your first corn maze went or how you have managed to not finish a single book last month but you did manage to clean the scrapbooking area and paint adorable signs for your future nest, I mean, house.

Manage to squeeze some of your quirky humor into a post full of adorable pictures and you, my friend, will have been forgiven for your absence and welcomed back into the blogging community.
At least, I hope you will be welcomed back … because that is exactly what I plan to do.  J

In case you were curious Dalton’s sister took these pictures and didn’t she do a marvelous job! The first one she and her cousin worked together on … I love the heart. The second is of Dalton and I under his shawl; we are not Jewish but Dalton really appreciates and admires the Jewish culture. The last one is one of my favorites! Which one do you like the best?
Love to you, dearies! I’m glad to be back in the writing world and hope to catch up with you soon.
p.s. This post is meant to be fun and lighthearted so please do not think I am saying I do not read posts of day to day stuff ... I love reading about your lives in all its fashions! :)

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