Thursday, November 14, 2013

Real Life Wednesday: #2

This could be it. This could be the song which reminds me of the man I love.

What song expresses you?

Besides finding adorable, tailor-made songs I’ve been busy writing a sociology paper, getting my hair “did” by Dalton’s kindhearted mom, creating an online portfolio and webquest, eating my mom’s delicious custard pie, falling into a huge pile of leaves raked by the handsome Mr. Duncan, adding up thousands and thousands of receipts and preparing for my sister’s homecoming.

I do have to throw in that I am a very blessed woman—even on the bad days my Lord continues to shower His mercy down upon my poor, silly soul. His love is the greatest blessing of all.


  1. What a lovely song! So bouncy and sweet, just like you two!! <3 <3 <3 It's also very optimistic and joyful, and I know that's how you have been looking at your relationship. So yes, I think it suits you very well!!

    The song that kind of describes me lately is "Perfect Day" by Miriam Stockley ... it's a kind of mysterious mixture of happy and sad that I think describes me fairly well. :-)

    Good to hear from you, dear friend! I'm so glad you've been well!!

    Sending cyberhugs your way!
    ~ Vicki

  2. Frannie, THANK YOU so much for your helpful, timely, and incredibly understanding comment on my last post. You're right, it's amazing how well we understand each other!!

    I've been thinking on this issue in a larger way over the last week or so, and I've realized that part of the reason I'm afraid to accept the love of a man is that I've really been struggling lately to accept the love of God. That's a whole post in itself; but I'm just so frustrated with myself and my lazy, worldly ways that I keep getting hung up on "how can God possibly love me? It's not fair for Him to waste His love on a deadbeat like me." And until I can accept that - which I'm still working on - I'm going to have problems relating to other people. Which I obviously do. :-P

    But anyway, thank you for taking so much time out of your schedule to come and leave me such an encouraging comment. :-) I do hope that God has another man as amazing as your Dalton out there for me! I'm beginning to see how having a partner in this crazy life would be a big advantage - not just to have someone to help me, but to give me someone to help, and get my mind off my own weaknesses for a change!!

    Have a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving, dear friend!!



Hey there, darling!

I'd love to hear your thoughts -- leave a comment below and I'll do my best to give you a reply. There is nothing sweeter then hearing from my readers!

Love, blessings and a steaming cup of coffee,

Frannie Anne

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