Wednesday, September 26, 2012

King David and my Identity

My identity. Your identity. Who are you? Who am I? What is the purpose of our lives, to born at this time, in a certain country, to a particular family?

            Sometimes I feel like my identity is wrapped up in all that I think I am. I mean, shouldn’t I know myself better than anyone else? I sum up my being in a nice six sentence paragraph with descriptive words like, “Coffee-drinker,” “artist,” or “family-lover.” Of course the paragraph isn’t at all close to the truth seeing that it has to be concise (I’ve which I’m never), witty, and cute--three traits which do not naturally flow from my being.  

            Other times my identity is wrapped up in my looks or my job or my degree. But then there are those days when my nose is noticeably big, my hair aloof, my job less than desirable, and my degree . . . . light-years away.

            At this point I’m feeling pretty frayed; who am I, really? If I can’t find my worth in my personality, looks, job, or education then where can I find it?

            The same place King David found his.

I’m planning on reading through the Psalms and really looking to see Who God is to me. I need to know.

Maybe you would like to join me or perhaps you are already reading your way through the Psalms? Either or, feel free to comment on something the Lord has taught you! I’d love to hear!


  1. Most of the psalms are an inspiration to me. Psalm 121 is a favourite givng such hope.

  2. Wow, Frannie, I have been thinking along much the same lines lately - I feel like I've never really answered the "who am I" questions that I was asking myself in high school. What am I really like? Where am I going? Should I be like this or like this, and why? I feel like I'll always have trouble seeing myself properly and moving forward if I don't really settle them.

    I just recently finished reading through Psalms, and I'd love to join you in your study - how are you going to do it? Keep me posted! :-)



Hey there, darling!

I'd love to hear your thoughts -- leave a comment below and I'll do my best to give you a reply. There is nothing sweeter then hearing from my readers!

Love, blessings and a steaming cup of coffee,

Frannie Anne

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