Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Simple Things

Some days my sentimental heart beats with extra energy. I suppose that's the beauty of being made a woman; we were created to be capable and strong and yet given the great privilege and need to be soft and gentle. I can roll with the day-to-day business and punches of life but eventually I need something else.  I need simple things like:

Toast with homemade strawberry jam (given by a sweet friend)

A toddler who find great delight in playing with bark and rocks

Cups of hot black coffee

Eating Mexican with a mom who loves to speak Spanish to the waiter

Spending one-on-one time with mom. Period.

Household chores

Little people who love soaking their feet in a bucket of cool water on a hot April day

A clean bedroom

Waking up early for Bible reading

Wearing aprons

Reading Little Women and laughing at Jo and Amy's quarrels, Meg's wifely faults, and sighing at Beth's sweet modesty

Finding contentment in the power and goodness of God

A brother who delights not only in throwing dirty Q-tips (at innocent sisters) but in bringing Tylenol and water when those said sisters have a fever

Delighting in the virtues of an April springtime day

Pictures via Pintrest

And finding my heart peacefully wanting His dreams and desires

And shall I pray thee change thy will, Father,
Until it be according unto mine?
But no, Lord, no, that never shall be,
Rather I pray thee blend my human will with thine.
I pray thee hush the hurrying, eager longing,
I pray thee soothe the pangs of keen desire,
See in my quiet places wishes thronging,
Forbid them, Lord, purge, though it be with fire.
And work in me to will and do thy pleasure,
Let all within me, peaceful, reconciled,
Tarry content my Wellbeloved's leisure,
At last, at last, even as a weaned child.
- These Strange Ashes, by Elisabeth Elliot

These are a few of my favorite things; these impersonal objects, routine happenings and average delights lend a hand to calming frazzled days.


  1. Beautiful post! The simple things may not seem like much, but they make life so pleasant :D

  2. My, I thought I had commented on this lovely post earlier! Shame on me!! >:-(

    Anyhow ... hello. :-) I just wanted to say that your post was just delightful, so sweet and peaceful. I really liked your first paragraph about the special privilege of womanhood ... that really encouraged me tonight! :-)

    Have a lovely evening, my friend!



Hey there, darling!

I'd love to hear your thoughts -- leave a comment below and I'll do my best to give you a reply. There is nothing sweeter then hearing from my readers!

Love, blessings and a steaming cup of coffee,

Frannie Anne

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