Sunday, March 18, 2012

Open my Mouth . . . That I may be Mean?

I sit among the pansies, a grey and blue sky, and a gentle breeze . . . thinking. I have a passion for various things but one of the greatest is for upright living and truth; this passion is so strong I sometimes forget the importance of  relationship with Christ. There is something in me which yearns to be holy and when I lose focus I try to seek holiness on my own. I've found time again this pursuit is madness, folly, and empty.

My passion for truth can be so strong that I can also forget the importance of relationships with friends and family. Instead of the hurting soul, a seeking sibling, a lost stranger I see the an opportunity to share wit, opinions and, of course, truth. In my defense, my desire for sharing the truth is not to crush, out-wit, or destroy; I share because I care. I share with the hope of their restoration, healing, and freedom. But oh, knowing how to share is a problem. Speaking truth when I am full of pride (or 'just a little"), anger, or disappointment seems to breed misunderstandings, wounded spirits, and spoiled relationships. But I say, "he or she needs to hear the truth--only then can they walk in freedom and holiness!" Yes, truth sets one free and God created us humans to share and care. So what can I do?

Take some of my own medicine. I try to speak truth from God's Word but maybe I need to stop speaking and listen from the very One I quote. Does a harsh tongue or an angry spirit work the righteousness of God? Does sharing the truth without love bring restoration? Can I speak good words and yet be full of pride? Can pride avoid a fall? No.

15But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:"
Ephesians 4:15

"4Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:"
Hebrews 12:14

So here I sit; my companions of chirping frogs, wind-blown pansies, and closing sunlight all confirm to me one thing: God is good and I am so thankful He takes the time to teach silly ol' me.

With love from your growing sister in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Great post! it's always amusing (after the fact) that our passion for sinlessness causes us TO sin!


Hey there, darling!

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Love, blessings and a steaming cup of coffee,

Frannie Anne

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