Monday, August 5, 2013

Of Dreams and Seasonings

Yesterday, while browsing through Bass Pro Shop with Dalton and his family, I had the most exciting thought. One day, one day, Lord willing, I will make strong coffee over the fire. I'll start the morning by poking sleepy children and urging them to dress in their play clothes and adventure to the trees or stream. I will spend time shaking out pebble covered sleeping bags or quilts. I'll make time to read some passages of God's Word by the fire, on the picnic table, or to some little ones nearby during a time of rest. We will go for a walk, hand in hand, breathing in pure air and being satisfied with the love and assurance of each other and God.

It was a quick thought and within a second I woke from the dream and remembered that we were still in today standing somewhere between the aisles of flashlights and canopies and seasonings. I also recalled that he had not seen the impressive alligator so, with the skills of a girl who often roamed this store with her parents, I quickly led him to the mighty beast; all while treasuring these things, both the present joys and the future hopes, within my little heart.




1 comment:

  1. *Sigh* Soooo romantic ... in the best, most practical kind of way. ;-)

    I love you and am so happy for you, my friend!!
    ~ Vicki


Hey there, darling!

I'd love to hear your thoughts -- leave a comment below and I'll do my best to give you a reply. There is nothing sweeter then hearing from my readers!

Love, blessings and a steaming cup of coffee,

Frannie Anne

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