Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Current thankful list:
Rainy days and cool mornings
Peaches and coffee
Family members who talk about hard stuff with humor and tender compassion
A sweet brother who surprises me by asking me out for lunch
Working with great people
Clean cars
Excitement over upcoming dates and memories of past ones
A surprise call from my sister
Good books and good music
A man who loves me so tenderly, so patiently, I am able to cease from my fretting and worrying and remember that life is so much bigger than I sometimes think.
What blessings have come your way lately?

1 comment:

  1. My blessing, Frannie? A new kitchen, replacing the old fashioned look of the previous one, places to store things, and a lovely cooker in which I've made a cake today!


Hey there, darling!

I'd love to hear your thoughts -- leave a comment below and I'll do my best to give you a reply. There is nothing sweeter then hearing from my readers!

Love, blessings and a steaming cup of coffee,

Frannie Anne

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