always held this blind, childish belief that if ever persecuted or martyred for
Christ I could handle it . . . until
two weeks ago when it occurred to me how painful and horrible torture is.
Living in rich and free country and in a home full of love has sheltered me
from the daily hardships the majority of the world faces—every day.
I realized how horrific, how painful, dying for Christ could be my insides
began to shudder. Days passed and I held this unmentionable fear within me. I
feared the inevitable truth: if I were ever cornered and tortured in the name
of Christ I would deny Him.
fear of pain is great yet in comparison the fear of denying the Son of God is
much greater. It has far greater consequences.
Child, I love you more than you love
yourself. I will give you no more than you are able to handle and I have promised to give you grace
for whatever I desire you to go through.
sweet peace. Our heavenly Father is more concerned for His name than we are; He
is more concerned over His glory. And He has promised to be faithful.
could I think the grace He has given to countless martyrs He would refuse me.
Well, they were spiritual giants. No, they were (and are) men and women just
like you and me. They needed the sufficient grace of God to keep them amidst
importantly, I am to remember that dying for Christ starts today, right now.
But my flesh cries out, “I can’t let my self die.”
And He says, “No you can’t, but with me
all things are possible.”
wonderful that Christ has already won the battle over sin and death. How
wonderful He is for giving grace so that we too can be conquerors.
in Jesus,