Friday, September 14, 2012

My Recent Trip and all its Adventures

It was a lovely weekend.


            9:00 a.m.- Leave to pick up Mom and (quickly) go to car rental

            11:00 a.m.- Leave Mom’s work later than expected

            12:30 p.m.- Pick up car (which was a cute, red Kia Soul!), fuel up, drive

            2:20 p.m.- St. Louis traffic diverts efforts by ½ hour

            7:00 p.m.- Arrive at G+G’s home! Woot woot! Discuss interstate with Grandpa, quickly chat with Grandma, hug Momma goodbye, fuel up, take off (first solo trip)

            7:40 p.m.- Call friend waiting for my arrival and explain approximate arrival time as 1 a.m. (as opposed to original hope, 9 o’clock)

            12:00 a.m.- Visit the potty room and jump back onto interstate

            12:50 a.m.- Call friend and squeal! Only 10 miles to destination (spoken in robotic GPS tone)

            1:00 a.m.- “You have reached your destination.”            

                        Wait . . .  really, Mr. GPS? My friend lives in a big scary barn? Or in the house with a lightning bolt mailbox? I think you maybe a little confused . . .

            The next hour is filled with a no-serviced cell phone, a full bladder, exhaustion, driving up Wildcat Mountain (which is closed for the observation of true, blue wildcats. Can anybody else say, "eeek!"?), talking to oneself, flashing headlights on all houses within 3 miles, and driving frantically. . . oi.
(Though the situation appeared bleak, I must say, Wisconsin has a lovely view of the stars and constellations . . .)  

            Eventually, after having to receive directions from a very kind (and sleepy) father, I actually, finally reached my destination. What a joyous sight it was to find four bed-headed, blanket wrapped girlfriends bouncing around me at 2 in the morning; what a wonderful, dear sight it was to be greeted by bare feet and pajamas. I am so blessed (and incredibly embarrassed). :)

            The rest of the weekend proceeded wonderfully. My dear friend and her Beloved were married. The wedding was so encouraging—full of simple, tasteful beauty—and a couple who love the Lord even more than they love one another. A real testimony.

            One good point given during the wedding was that this time, this wedding, was a celebration of both the Bride and the Groom. For years, they have waited patiently for one another, fighting the battle their flesh and the world has waged. They have had failures but they have conquered. This was a victory feast celebrating the end of one time and the entry of another!

            It was a very good weekend. In order to not disappoint, we made sure to make the drive home memorable by arriving at 4 in the morning, falling into exhausted slumbers (in the car) till 6:30 a.m. at which time both Momma and I dazedly walked into our respective work areas. Needless to say, it was a very

l o n g day.

            I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

            I found God’s grace totally and wonderfully free and flowing as well. How was your weekend?
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