Friday, September 16, 2011

Almost There

Pack, prayer, iron, pin, ouch!, shop, sew, cry, prayer, Bible reading, assignment reading, cut, sew, sigh, sleep, laugh, visit, more crying coupled with more prayers, sewing pinned together with a wobbly seam line and lots of Ghana related day-dreams. :) (I’m such a girl).


7 more days till we begin our drive toward Pennsylvania; 13 more till I buckle myself to an African bound plane. God is so good—He has met my financial needs in an abundantly grand way. He has met my physical needs of clothing (I have had many dear and patient hands teach and help me sew). He has met my emotional needs by giving me a heart with no fear and by meeting me at my most overwhelmed moments. He has met my spiritual needs by reminding me of who He is. 


With the hope and trust that you are resting in the Lord who hears and is ever present,



* This lovely map can be found at

** Also, Miss Linda ( you were right! Sewing is getting easier although I still have my moments. :)


  1. Well done, Frannie! Sewing does get more enjoyable the more you do! Praying that all will go well with your travels.

  2. Frannie, I will be praying for you as you seek God's will in this new ministry. Sewing does indeed get easier with practice--in fact that's the only way that it does get easier. But even experienced seamstresses have their moments, so don't worry! :)


Hey there, darling!

I'd love to hear your thoughts -- leave a comment below and I'll do my best to give you a reply. There is nothing sweeter then hearing from my readers!

Love, blessings and a steaming cup of coffee,

Frannie Anne

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