Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Halbert Herald- Of Tests, Spring, a special EMT, and a Wedding!

Hello dear sisters in Christ!
 I hope this finds you all well and growing in the grace of our good Lord! This post is just a quick update to the Halbert's comings and goings! :)
 ~ Allie is very close to finishing her EMT class! With one more test to take she is very excited and we are very proud of her!
~ Spring is popping up all over!
~ Mom and I are very busy with tests. . .yuck! :)
~ This weekend Mom, Allie, Jeremiah, and I (sadly Daddy cannot go) are going to the Pocono Mountians in Pennsylvania for a vacation! This is going to be alot of fun I think and I'm so thankful to Mom and Dad who are giving us this privilege! Then we head to Ephrata, PA for a wedding. I'm really looking forward to this wedding because I know it will be centered around the Lord and will be godly. . .something I haven't really seen! I am very excited! Plus, weddings are sweet anyways!

I think that covers most of it. :) I feel like I'm being washed over with things to do, but I know anything I learn now will help me later! May we all become the sweet and godly maidens God desires us to be!
With love, 
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