Friday, December 19, 2014

Coffee with my Lord | Promises from God's Word

Good morning, sweet friends! It is a beautifully chilled and gray day today -- my beloved is out gathering the last of his Christmas list and so I am sitting in an unusually quiet home with tea in one hand and a few encouraging verses next to the other.
God is so good, isn't He? Faithfully, He meets our needs and with a gracious hand our wants are often met too. Beyond our imagination is His love and mercy and wisdom. A simple lesson I have been learning is to look to our Heavenly Father for His promises and to cling to them; a simple practice I used when I was a newborn Christian but for some reason allowed to fall to the side in the latter years.
The good news is that His promises are never ending! We barely have to part the pages of His Word before words of promise pour out. Promises of life, freedom, victory, mercy, love, security, and justice have been preserved for our generation; there are also other promises: judgment, His second coming, and discipline. Thankfully, what seems like negative promises actually bring comfort to the believing soul. There will be a day of judgment, but it will be tempered by the blood of Jesus who I plead. There will be a day when Christ appears, but praise God!, I will be prepared to meet Him with a heart washed in the blood and a life transformed by His power. There will be discipline in this life, but it is only the gentle, correcting staff of a shepherd Who watches yearns for His sheep to walk in the path of life.  Yes, the Bible is full of promises I need to cling too!
Psalm 62 had a few promises which encouraged my heart -- I hope they encourage yours as well!
What promises do you find yourself clinging too? Maybe there is a special promise you have been reminding yourself of lately? I'd love to hear it!
Also, don't forget about the giveaway tonight! I can't wait to make you and your mailbox happy!
Love and blessings to you!

1 comment:

Hey there, darling!

I'd love to hear your thoughts -- leave a comment below and I'll do my best to give you a reply. There is nothing sweeter then hearing from my readers!

Love, blessings and a steaming cup of coffee,

Frannie Anne

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