Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Not Again

Not again.

 Has anyone ever sighed the words, "not again" ? I tend to utter these words in a selfish, whining tone whenever I see pillows scattered about the floor or unwashed dishes. Typically, they are accompanied by an unwelcoming, sour attitude and my sweet family members try to keep away . . . far away.
"Watch out, Frannie's a stormin' about!"
And I’m not even married. Being the oldest daughter often lends opportunities to (try) and help around the house.

But sometimes I forget that it is a blessing. More importantly, I forget who I am serving.
Jesus calls Christians to be servants; He calls us to die to ourselves and live for Him daily, offering our lives as living sacrifices. Thankfully, He does not call us to do anything He hasn't and He willingly gives us grace! Most amazingly, a simple thing like offering a glass of water in His name becomes an act of worship.

So, what about mopping, wiping down bathrooms, and preparing meals? Yes, these too become wonderful ways to worship Christ . . . and to uplift and bless those I love and live with.
I am guilty of uttering the words not again far too often. Oh, may my heart rather say, “Yes Lord, even in these mundane things I will joyfully serve you; again I will plunge my hand to the task and see it as an act of service.” I’m learning that it is the little things in life which make it most lovely and full of impact.

Learning to say, "Yes, Jesus, I will give again,"
P.S. Here are some super cute printables just waiting to help jump-start your day! Enjoy!
P.P.S. Don't forget to enter my give-away!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Good Gifts: A Giveaway!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am pleased to announce my 2nd (official)
Why? Because you are so absolutely-without a doubt-unbearably-wonderful! 

It really is true; blogging has been such a wonderful outlet for me. I love having readers who willingly share their opinions and lives with me; Thank you! 

I am giving away one copy of Elizabeth Prentiss’ novel Stepping Heavenward. Click here for a link to tell you all about it! Written in the 1800's, this challenging novel depicts the lessons and tales of one woman pursuing Christ. It truly is a treasure worth reading! And . . . its a good read for all!
I am also giving away a sweet book mark from Storkville, a sweet Etsy shop. Why not check it out?


 So, here are the official details:

Mandatory Entry:

Simply leave a comment saying you would love to be signed up. It’s as easy as that. If you are a non-blogger either comment me through the anonymous (please give your name) or email me at: authentic_virtue(at)yahoo(dot)com

Extra Entries:

v For one extra entry you must: Share the love! What I mean is pass the word along. Shout out Authentic Virtue on your site (Facebook and email works, too) and then comment me the link. And wa-la you have an extra entry!

v   For two extra  entries you must: Crack open a book! In order to receive two extra entries you need to comment me a favorite quote from a favorite book.

I will close and announce the winner on February the 3rd. That gives you one week to put in a total of four entries!  

Also, I will mail the winner the package on Monday, the 4th.
If I've really confuzzeled you, send my a comment. I'd love to clear it up.
Excitedly yours,


Update: I would love to have those across the seas enter; please feel free to do so.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

An Introvert's DIY: Refreshing an Introvert's Heart

Being pegged an introvert can be a terrible moment. Images of lonely, old spinsters, cantankerous hermits, Emily Dickenson, and Bronte’s Wuthering Heights may unwittingly propel themselves into sight; yet, never fear! God has created so many wonderful sorts of people and the way we unwind or gather our senses is just one aspect of His creativity.
So, without further ado, here is a short DIY on refreshing your dampened spirits. Of course, this isn’t the end all. In fact, I would love to read your ideas, introverted or not! J
Refreshing an introverted heart:

Looks like finding a favorite book and a quiet corner full of pillows and light. Pages turn quietly as one laughs or cries with the novel’s hero while the brow often furrows when pondering political or theological pieces.

It looks like breaking free of the indoors and talking a stroll through the nearest meadow, a camping trip in the closest forest, and for the city-dwellers, a slow walk downtown.  It can involve star gazing and imagining shapes in clouds. Sometimes it is letting your nose turn red from the January air while giving limbs a chance to flop about and pump blood.
For me, it involves quiet moments talking with God, squirrels, and plants, especially the fun mushrooms I pick. Why, don’t you do that too? 

It looks like unbundling from the cold, turning the burner on, and pouring yourself a mug of chai tea, plopping marshmallows into hot coco, or brewing a pot of coffee.
Then, after gathering all the necessary trimmings (honey, milk, peppermint sticks), it looks like pulling up to the kitchen table with a close friend; a kindred spirit. It could be a hubby, a mother, a sister, or a comrade in Christ. Someone close to your heart.
Whoever it is, little is said since warm looks and sincere statements bring more refreshment than amounts of gab.

 There really are so many wonderful ways to cheer an introvert:
It could be writing letters of encouragement,
Spending time alone with God,
Snuggling in with your favorite movie,
Penning away in ajournal,
Creating a special gift or craft for home and friends,
Or reading a sheet of music.
Why not be a blessing to your local introvert and help find a little time in their day for whatever lifts their heart; I assure you, a little love and thoughtfulness is good for every person, introverted or not!
Love to you,
  P.S. Love this pictures? Me too! To find them go and click on my Pinterest button right over there ----> then find my board titled "Blogging Pics" and, wa-la, you're there! Sadly, not all of them will be there since I was "pinning all the pins" and forgot to actually pin them. I'm sorry!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Morning of Late

Why I hate sleeping in:

1)   I just feel awful, totally awful, about myself.
2)   I eat unhealthy foods for breakfast. Like leftover MacNCheese and hotdogs.

3)   I (try to) ignore messes like an accidentally dumped pile of powdered sugar and living room pillows scattered about the floor. (Dear future hubby, whoever you are, I promise I'm not always this messy.)  :)

4)   I forget the wonderful things I need to do on my “To-Do” list. I’m a list girl and an unfinished “To-Do” is comparable to a big blister on the bottom of my foot.   

5)   Oh, then I get on here and rant and rave over the morning’s failure . . . hoping it will help . . . while only prolonging the problem.

So, how shall I fix this?

I’m off to brush my (out of control) main, throw some decent clothes on, wipe off that counter and get to business. Wonderful things are waiting for me; things like homework, reading, preparing dinner, cleaning, and organizing. And they shan’t be disappointed.

What about you? Do late mornings throw you off?


Saturday, January 12, 2013

In Which I Celebrate My Birthday

Public Service Announcement:

          It has been deemed necessary to disclose certain petty news with you, the readers of this blog. Earlier this week, upon a certain day, an anniversary of birth was observed; or, in a more common phrase, a birthday was celebrated.

          It is hard to conceive that the honorable authoress of this blog, Miss Frannie, (in case her name you forgot) turned the spritely age of twenty-three. Yes, indeed, the authoress has added one more year to her, at this time, short life.

          Rest assured the day was made as delightful as possible. At the beginning of the week, the young woman was taken to a much anticipated viewing of Les Miserables; it was a film worth the small fee and much more.

          The festivities continued on into the next day when Miss Frannie talked her most honorable brother and spirited cousin into a few hours of square dancing. Oh! If only you could have seen the joy radiating from each face, the quickness of each step, and the laughter from each mistake (for there were too many to count).

          The day finally arrived and it must be noted that it, the day itself, was absurdly ordinary. It involved hours of work, college classes, and a fruitful trip to the grocery store (literally). All in all, it was simple and almost forgotten even by the birthday-girl herself. (Perhaps her old age is affecting her memory . . .)

          The next day began again much as normal until, later in the night, a sweet gathering of friends, cupcakes, and brownies were made known in a surprise after church. Much laughter ensued when Miss Frannie failed to blow out the candles stuck deep in the brownie pan—she found it terribly difficult to “calm her face down” from smiling. J

          So, now that you, the faithful readers, have been properly lulled into slumber, I, the narrator, will leave you. (Would you look at those commas!)  Only beware! Soon, there will be the opportunity for one of you dearies to receive a token of love in the form of a giveaway. More information will be coming forthright!  

          Delighted to be another year older,



Friday, January 11, 2013

Fighting Captivity: Lust

There once was a girl who felt she could never find love, never find victory, and never find peace.

Sexual sins are the heavy skeletons we Christians like to bury deep in the back of the darkest closet; we fear that dragging out that ol’ bag of bones will make friends and family run fast in the other direction. We fear being vulnerable.

 I am no different. I’m scared to death to share my struggles with lust, masturbation, and pornography. What will my fellow sisters in Christ think? What if my friends see this? What will I do if Jim-dear ever comes across my blog? (Jim-dear=reference to future, unknown hubby J)

Nevertheless, I am so tired of hiding what Christ has delivered me from. I am tired of not being able to relate with others my own age because they see my head-covering and assume I’m from planet Perfection. I’m saddened by the lack of openness among Christian women struggling with lust.

So, this is my story. When I was in my early preteen years I discovered the captive-taking power of masturbation and pornography. My favorite websites to browse were chat forums full of vile sin. The sweet innocence my parents desperately tried to protect was thrown out the window by my very own hands.

The world tries to convince young people (and older ones, too) that freedom and happiness equates fulfilling our desires. This is not true.

I am so thankful that Jesus continued to pursue my wretched heart and eventually won the battle. I became a Christian. And life changed from that moment; I finally, for the first time in my life, had the ability to say no to my lusts.

So, this is where it is now. I still struggle. I still fail.

But Jesus still loves me.

I’m learning how to truly let Jesus be my all-in-all. I’m discovering that my loneliness and temptations are, more often than not, reminders that I need to draw closer to Christ.

Sister in Christ, I want you to know that you are not alone. I want you to know that Jesus really is all you need. I want you to know that it is totally possible to be pure and at peace with God.

Jesus is a real person. He knows our thoughts, ours pasts, and He still offers forgiveness and victory over sin. He frees the captives and He lifts the face of the ashamed and makes them whole.

Resting in His faithful person,


P.S. It is my heart’s desire for these posts to be encouraging and uplifting. I know there will be some who will shirk away from posts like this; that’s okay. And if you have battled the formidable foe, Lust, drop me an anonymous (or non-anonymous) comment and share your testimony or ways you have gained victory. Comments like that would be encouraging! I do caution giving only as much detail as would be honoring and edifying. Blessings to you!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

For You--The One Struggling with Lust

Dear sisters in Christ,

I found this site and I want you to look at it.

I want each of you to take a few moments and look it over.

Maybe this isn’t your problem. Maybe your temptation lays in a different direction.

But, if you struggle with lust.

If you struggle with pornography.

If you are a woman who struggles with masturbation.

Then please check this site out.                                      


I know; some of you are cringing. But some of you are crying--crying because you’ve been battling for a long time. And you’re tired.

I’m mulling over a post which pertains to this subject and there is a lot God is teaching and freeing me from. And I’ll check back in with you. But I really feel that sharing this site, full of encouragement and truth, can be helpful.

Because lust destroys and kills and buries all the beauty intended for us.

But Christ heals the broken, transforms the ashes, calls the lost, frees the captive, and loves the unlovable.
He redeems and forgives.

I know because He has done it for me and is doing it for me.

With lots of love,

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